Take a message back from me,Tell them how I am defying gravity.Social Injustice:
Social Injustice is a concept relating to the claimed unfairness or injustice of a society in its divisions of rewards and burdens and other incidental inequalities
I've had some issues with some of the things I have been a bystander to, especially when it come to religious issues.
What do I believe in?
I believe people are people.
I believe you can't help who you love.
I believe everyone is created equal.
I believe you should be judged by your character,
not what you look like,
where you come from,
what sex you are
or who you happen to fall in love with.
The truth is you can't help who you love. How many times have you been desperately in love and wanted even more desperately not to be? I know I have. We all have. So why is it not ok to love someone of the same sex?
I've always felt like this but I have never stood up for it. I became a bystander, just watched people be mistreated and not said a single word. I realize that's what I do a lot of the time. The thing is people won't just listen. They have to want to listen and want to be open-minded. So I never said a single word. Now, it's hit home, closer to home then I could ever have imagined. I was at a loss for words. I wanted to prove my point with eloquent words. But nothing came out. I just cried. I wish I knew the right words to say.
It's not fair to watch people treating people that way. I can't help but think that 40 years from now we're gonna look back and say, "How could we ever have done thing?" We've stopped people from getting married, took away health benefits and denied housing. I don't see how I could be the only one that thinks this is not ok.
Would God have people fall in love, only to send them to hell because they love another human being? It even says in the Bible that LOVE was the greatest of all things. Now, why is it not ok to love someone? Do people really think that a person wakes up one morning and DECIDES they don't want to fit in, be in the "norm?"
Someone said something that struck me really hard. It made me just burst into tears and scream, "It's not fair!" They said, "It's not a fucking choice. I didn't choose to have a lifestyle where I'm excluded from society, I can't get married, can't have kids, didn't choose this." Why is it ok to put down someone when all they want is acceptance? And not just an "I understand but you shouldn't be this way," full 100% acceptance. Not hate the sin, love the sinner. Everyone is a stinking sinner, you can't just change who someone is because you think it's a sin!
I've made a decision. I will not sit back and watch social injustice. I will not let it happen before my eyes. I will not go along with what every says and keep my thoughts to myself. That's just as bad as being the condemner. If that means that I can't be a church camp counselor, which is what I want to be more than anything, so be it. I won't be quiet. I won't pretend to think that you could go to hell for loving someone.
"Let him among you who is without sin, cast the first stone." John 8:7
"Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do not believe in anything simply because it is found written in your religious books. Do not believe in anything merely on the authority of your teachers and elders. Do not believe in traditions because they have been handed down for many generations. But after observation and analysis, when you find that anything agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all, then accept it and live up to it. ~Buddha"